Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happy Tuesday!

While perusing the internet today I came across an article on FoxNews.com (Yes, that Fox News. Bear with me...) titled "My Fellow Conservatives, Think Carefully About Your Opposition to Gay Marriage" by Margaret Hoover. It first goes on to summarize the Prop 8 trial, noting that, "Surprisingly, the defense’s two lone witnesses also offered compelling reasons to favor of marriage equality."

Hoover goes on to address the article by a Notre Dame law professor which was posted on FoxNews.com which implied through speculation that Judge Walker's rumored homosexuality caused him to decide the case before even hearing it. She wrote, "We conservatives have a well-founded narrative about judges and the courts. It is true that the federal bench is populated with liberals who view their role not as interpreting the law as it is written, but as policy makers empowered to sculpt social outcomes with which they agree. The irony of this case is that Judge Walker is not a liberal activist judge but one whose career has proven him to be a tempered judge, true to the Reagan-Bush conservative jurisprudence that he was nominated to represent on the bench." She also writes,"Conservatives cannot deny that our Founders intended the judiciary as an equal and independent branch of government purposed to ensure the protection of every citizen’s rights."

Further, Hoover writes that opposing gay marriage could land conservatives on the wrong side of civil rights history yet again, with the consequence of alienating a whole generation of voters (the majority of Americans under 30 support gay marriage). The full article can be found here!

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