Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Spotlight on Representative Briggs and Representative Taylor

This summer EqualityPA will be blogging about legislators (from both the Pennsylvania House and Senate) in order to give readers the opportunity to get to know their representatives!

Last week we blogged about House Bill 2569, the new anti-bullying bill that was introduced in the PA House of Representatives only last week. Therefore, this blog spotlights the two representatives that introduced the bill- Representative Tim Briggs and Representative Rick Taylor. Both are from Montgomery County and both are Democrats.

Representative Briggs represents the 149th Legislative District in Montgomery County. This district includes part of Lower Merion Township, Upper Merion Township, and the Boroughs of West Conshohocken and Bridgeport. He currently is a member of the House Appropriations Committee, Children and Youth Committee, Finance Committee, and the Secretary of the Local Government Committee. He is also a member of the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency. Representative Briggs came into office in 2009 and since was a sponsor of one bill, HB 1, entitled Expanding Health Insurance, which was introduced May 21, 2009. He was also a co-sponsor of two bills, HB 1502, entitled Verification of Employee Eligibility in Relation to Public Works’ Contracts which was introduced June 2, 2009, and HB 1531, entitled The Taxing of Tobacco & Gambling for Other Public Goods, introduced May 26, 2009. According to his website, Representative Briggs “feels passionately that educating our children is the best investment in the future of the community and the economy. He also is dedicated to ensuring that high quality health care is affordable and accessible for every Pennsylvanian, and is especially concerned about improving women's health care. Tim considers himself an advocate for families and plans to focus on issues that affect Montgomery County families.” His voting record can be found HERE.

Representative Taylor represents the 151st Legislative District in Montgomery County. His district consists of parts of Abington, Horsham, Lower Gwynedd, and Upper Dublin Townships as well as the Borough of Ambler. He is a member of the Finance Committee, Insurance Committee, and State Government Committee and is also Secretary of the Veterans Affairs & Emergency Preparedness Committee. After being elected into office in 2006, Representative Taylor was a sponsor of HB 1 entitled Expanding Health Insurance, which was introduced May 21, 2009. He also was a co-sponsor of HB 1202, entitled the Clean Fuels and Energy Independence Act, which was introduced June 20, 2007. According to his website, Taylor’s legislative goals “include strengthening campaign finance laws, making college more affordable and accessible for students and protecting children and families by strengthening Megan’s Law in Pennsylvania.” His voting record can be found HERE.


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