Thursday, June 17, 2010

Prop 8 Trial Closing Arguements

Yesterday closing arguments were delivered in the Prop 8 trial going on in a federal courtroom in San Francisco. Charles Cooper delivered the closing for the defense, arguing that the fundamental purpose of marriage is to "channel" heterosexual couples into unions in which they raise their own biological children. While Ted Olson, the attorney for the prosecution, rejected the concept that same-sex marriage was an extreme departure from existing law.

When I found out that the closing arguments were yesterday, I immediately sent the American Federation for Equal Rights' tweets to my phone to keep as up to date as possible. In order to receive the latest news on the case, I would suggest following them on Twitter, as well! )@AmerEqualRights)

Also, to receive a comprehensive report of what happened in the courtroom yesterday, check out THIS article!

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