Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Meet the Interns!

As posted on our Facebook fan page, we, the summer interns, are going to be contributing a great deal to EqualityPA’s various social media sites. Below are the bios we wrote in order to introduce ourselves!

Justin Dunn

Hello to all the readers of the EqualityPA blog. My name is Justin Dunn. I am a 24 year old college student. I live in northeast Philadelphia. I am a proud newlywed and father. Currently, I am studying law and psychology at the community college of Philadelphia. In my spare time I try to do as much activism as I can. My main areas of interest and concern are the minority, glbt, and disabled communities. My goals with my activism are different with each area of it. As an African American, my goal on the minority side is to show that minorities can and should hold all types of positions in fields of study that typically dominated by non-minorities and in doing such we deserve the same pay respect and accolades that may come with such fields or jobs. My goal with my glbt activism is to fight for every single right that I can for the community until everyone has full equal rights. When I receive my paralegal certification and law degree, I hope to work as a paralegal/lawyer with a concentration in Glbt rights. As a disabled individual my goal with that side of my activism is to help the disabled in any way that I can, from fighting to get them jobs and to get them housing so that they can live independently. Currently I am working with equalitypa to advance the rights of the glbt community. I would love to work my way up through the organization and one day work for their legal department. If I don't end up working for their legal department, then I hope to work in the legal department for lambda, glaad or one of the many other glbt rights organizations.

Rebecca Feuerhammer

Hey! I already wrote a mini-bio at the beginning of the PA Prides post below, but I thought I should do a formal intro, as well! My name is Rebecca Feuerhammer and I am currently a rising junior at Bryn Mawr College. I’m a political science major, sociology minor with concentrations in US politics and legal studies. I am also a proud member of the Bryn Mawr Crew Team and next semester I will be studying abroad at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. I love hanging out at Borders, going to the theatre, sour patch kids, and updating my twitter!

Liz Ford

Hi My name is Elizabeth Ford and I am a rising senior at the University of Virginia. At schoolI have a weekly opinion column in the school newspaper and my favorite subject to write about is social issues. I came to work at Equality PA after being inspired my my role model Julian Bond's speach at the March for Equality in DC this past fall along with having him as a Professor in college that advocated why it was important for supporters of the Civil Rights movement to support the gay rights movement. I hope to use what I learn at EQPA to enhance my future in law, where I hope to offer my services to fight for civil rights issues.

Greg Storella

Hello! My name is Gregory Storella and I am a rising senior at Brandeis University, anticipating a BA in International Global Studies and French and Francophone Studies, as well as hopefully minors in Theater Arts and Gender Studies. I’m a native Pennsylvanian, born and raised in Media, PA. I began work with Equality Pennsylvania in May of this year, and expect to stay on until the end of summer when I return to school. In addition to my interest in LGBTQ activism, advocacy, and policy work, I really enjoy all types of performance art, especially dance. At school I choreograph and dance with many different dance groups, including Adagio and within the undergraduate theater community. Other random fun facts – I’m a Cancer, a red-head, and a twin!

I am excited to work with Equality Pennsylvania this summer with Rebecca, Justin, and Liz (my fellow interns), and Jason, Mason, and Joe!

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