Monday, June 14, 2010

EqualityPA at Pennsylvania Prides 2010

Hey everyone! I'm Rebecca, a current intern at Equality PA, and am taking the reins of this blog for the summer! I am currently a rising junior at Bryn Mawr College and am majoring in Political Science. My hobbies include: following Philadelphia sports, being obsessed with everything theatre, eating, and going on adventures! I'm really excited to be blogging for EqualityPA and if there is anything in particular you want me to write about let me know by leaving a comment here, leaving a comment on our Facebook fan page, or by @ replying us on Twitter (@equalitypa)!

Now, as people reading this blog probably already know, this past weekend was both Philly and Pittsburgh Pride! Mason traveled to Pittsburgh to table in the Steel City while we, the lovely interns and Philly volunteers, manned the table in Philadelphia. What was our task of the day? Get form letters signed in support of House Bill 300 and House Bill 745, two extremely important pieces of legislation going through the PA House right now. And, thanks to all of the amazing people who signed them, we collected HUNDREDS of letters to send to PA State Reps. Thank you to everyone who filled them out!

Now, yesterday was my first time ever at Pride. From what others had told me I had a general idea of the awesomeness that is Philly Pride, but until yesterday I hadn't experienced it for myself. Therefore, I had very high expectations going into it- and they were definitely met (and then some)! I wasn't able to see the parade due to the fact that we were busy with the table, but the festival was fantastic! There were so many great people, lots of fabulous groups, and plenty of free stuff! I had an absolutely amazing time talking to everyone and walking around. My only complaint, really, is directed at Mother Nature. I did not approve of the excessive humidity or the rain, and my straightened hair was also not very pleased with the weather situation. However, even the damp day couldn't spoil my first, wonderful Philly Pride experience! I hope everyone else had as terrific a day as I did!

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