Thursday, November 4, 2010

Bucks County GLBT Meeting & Transgender Day of Remembrance Vigil

On Nov. 4, 2010, people of all ages gathered in Doylestown, PA for an important meeting to discuss GLBTA issues. The main gathering focus was to discuss the introduction & passage of local ordinances that would provide anti-discrimination protections based on sexual orientation & gender identity & expression.

There were middle schoolers as well as students from high school & college present. There were police officers, nurses, educators, ministers, activists, parents & more represented. Planned Parenthood's Rainbow Room was well represented. GLSEN & PFLAG people were there. Students from Delaware Valley College were also there in significant numbers. Several representatives from different faith organizations were there. There were council members from Hatboro & Doylestown. & of course, Equality PA & HRC were there.

It was a packed house. We barely had time to get through introductions before we headed out for the vigil.

The energy in the room was great. As people talked, it became evident that other glbt interests should be served besides the ordinances.

There will be follow-up meetings of this coalition. Expect many good things to come from this group.

After the meeting, candles & signs were handed out. We walked down the street to a public square & where we read the names of transgender people who had died as a result of violence. Some passers by stopped & read our signs. Some drivers honked & shouted their support. There were no visible negative reactions from the onlookers. Trans- awareness was raised & these trans people will not be forgotten.

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