Thursday, December 3, 2009

Another Loss for Marriage Equality

Yesterday, quite unfortunately, the New York State Senate voted down a bill that would have ended marriage discrimination in their state. Both the ACLU and the HRC expressed their disappointment in the state senate's failure to legalize same-sex marriages, the vote being 38 to 24 against.

This is a disappointment not only for New Yorkers and for the equal marriage rights movement in general, but also specifically for those in New Jersey who had been hoping that similar legislation would come up in the state congress. According to, "It’s going to help cement defeat for gay marriage in New Jersey, and  [could] get a whole bunch of politicians in New Hampshire who voted for gay marriage this year pretty nervous when they come up for election.”

The fact is that as all these equal marriage movements are defeated, it gets harder and harder for others states to have success. The passing of issue 1 in Maine and now the defeat of equal marriage in New York are creating painful disappointment in the LGBT community.

But there is hope. According to NYCLU Executive Director Donna Lieberman, "this is only a temporary setback in our campaign to protect all New York families. The majority of New Yorkers support fair marriage laws that protect lesbian and gay families, and the day will come when we achieve that goal."

If there is hope in New York, than there is hope in New Jersey, and there is hope across the country. There will come a day when the goal of equality for the LGBT community is achieved. But we must hold on and keep strong until that day comes.

ACLU Website:  "NYCLU: Senate's Failure to Pass Marriage is Disappointing..." Gay-marriage opponents welcome NY bill’s defeat

HRC Website: New York Senate Rejects Marriage Bill for Same-Sex Couples

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