Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Vote on the Hate Crimes Bill!

Just this morning the Pennsylvania House Judiciary Committee voted to PASS HB745, to amend the Title 18 Ethnic Intimidations Act to define crimes against "actual or perceived ... sexual orientation, or gender identity" as ethnic intimidation, a.k.a. hate crimes!

The bill was passed with 18 yea votes, which is more than we had anticipated! (Compared to only 8 no votes.) The form letters that you folks signed surely helped the vote! Thanks to all those who signed letters and to all those volunteers that helped us get them addressed and sent out.

We are one step closer to having a Hate Crimes bill that protects victims of violence on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. The next step is for the bill to be put before the whole House for a vote.

We'll continue to send out the form letters we have to encourage representatives to bring it to a vote and vote YES. If you would like to contact your house representative to encourage them to do so yourself, you can find your representative HERE by entering your address into the "look up your legislator" link on our website.

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