Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Dead Heat in Maine!

There appears to be some good news about the Maine Peoples' Veto--a ballot initiative attempting to overturn the marriage equality law that passed earlier this year. According to a poll reported in Bay Windows, New Englands' largest LGBT newspaper, 51.8% of "likely" voters say they will vote "No" on measure 1, with just under 43% saying they will vote "Yes." Great news for those of us following the "No on 1" campaign to protect marriage equality in Maine!

With general polls in Maine opening on November 3 (early voting begins October 26), however, blogger "Joe. My. God." cites a poll conducted by Public Policy Polling that shows a 48-48% tie with 4% undecided.

Regardless of which poll is accurate, the only poll that matters is the one taken on Nov. 3. So if you live in Maine and aren't already, get involved, get out the vote, and help support marriage equality!

In more local news, if you live or will be in Philly tomorrow night at 6:00pm, don't forget to come by EQPA's October Philadelphia Volunteer Night, Part 2! at our offices in Center City at 1211 Chestnut St., Suite 605. As usual, FREE food, great company, and bumpin' music will be provided! Hope to see you there!

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